Call For Manuscripts


The Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI) is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal with an international advisory board. The MJLI publishes articles on teaching and learning in primary, secondary and higher education. The aims are to communicate original research and stimulate discussion around issues, including:

  • Learning and Teaching
  • Curriculum Structures
  • Social and Cultural Impacts on Learning
  • Instructional Design and Technology
  • Institutional Effectiveness

The MJLI accepts both quantitative and qualitative work across subject areas and welcomes articles for consideration all year round.


With effect from 1st April 2019 onwards, all new submission will be subjected to 100MYR for processing fee and 900MYR once the paper is accepted for publication.

Processing Fee: International

ASEAN country - USD25
Non ASEAN country - USD50

Publication Fee:

International - USD250


Manuscript submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines:

Manuscript specifications : The entire manuscript, including a structured abstract– in 250 words or less (no more than 100 in any one section) in English and Bahasa Melayu, as well as the tables, figures and references, should be 5000-7000 words and between 20-25 pages. Manuscript in Bahasa Melayu must include title and structured abstract in English. It should be typed, double-spaced, on A4 paper in 11 font Times New Roman, with margins of at least (2.54 cm) at the top, bottom, left and right every page, with pages numbered consecutively. The structured abstract should be prepared in specified format and accompanied by four to seven keywords that will allow the article to be accessed through a web search.

Authors’ names, affiliations, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone biographical data of not more than 50 words should be submitted on a separate covering page.

Title: Should be clear and concise; let the reader know what the article is about and include key words that will allow the article to be accessed through a web search.

Abstract: Empirical research abstracts should include:

  • What the study is about
  • Why the work is important
  • A brief method
  • The main results

Note : Do not say “ results will be discussedâ€.

See MJLI structured abstract below:


  • bold face 11- point. Text should not be bold
  • Reason/aims of paper.
  • State the background of the study.  


  • Methodology/â€how it was done’/scope of study.
  • State the selection and numbers of participant.
  • State the design and procedures used, including the intervention or experimental manipulations and the primary outcome measures.           


  • State the main results of the study. Numerical data may be included but should be kept to a minimum.
  • State the conclusions that can be drawn from the data provided and their implications (if appropriate)- impact on society      


  • Who would benefit from this and what is new about it?    

Keywords: list up not more than 7 key words.

References and Style: The style and bibliographic references should conform to the conventions specified in the Publication Manual of The American Psychological Association (APA) 7th ed.

Articles submitted to the Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction should not be under consideration by any other journal, and the letter accompanying the submission of any manuscript should contain clear statement to this effect.

Submitting manuscripts in the correct format and in compliance to the requirements will expedite the review process and prevent undue delay in publication. The publisher reserves the right to reject or return manuscripts which are not prepared according to the stipulated guidelines.

See guideline for writers for more details.

Enquiries and articles submission should be addressed to:

Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction
UUM Press
Universiti Utara Malaysia
06010 UUM Sintok
Kedah, Malaysia

Tel: 604-928 4816
Fax: 604-928 4792
E-mail: or