Review Process

Review Process

Peer Review Objective:
While the Editorial team reserves the independence in deciding to accept or reject a submission, fairness requires the reviews to be impartial, sound, valid, comprehensive, and both theoretically and empirically defendable. To avoid selecting low quality articles, the referees' reports are screened for comprehensiveness in reaching the final decision.
The refereeing process is fully anonymous. The editorial team will protect the name(s) of the authors from the referees in order to preserve the integrity of the blind peer review process. The referees are required to adhere to the following classes of acceptance/rejection:
  • Accept in present form with or without slight changes
  • Accept with minor revisions as suggested by the reviewer(s)
  • Accept with major revisions as suggested by the reviewer(s)
  • Reject
Key Criteria:
As the IJBFs aim is to cater to international scholars, the journal has already established a set of consistent standards by adhering to the following:
  • Clarity in communicating the contents of a paper (in English).
  • Evidence of original contribution(s) to the field.
  • High theoretical quality and validity in empirical application.