
  • Kok Ban Teoh School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia



burnout, academicians, Malaysian research universities, acceptance and commitment therapy, job demands


The prevalence of burnout among academicians in Malaysian Research Universities (RUs) is a growing concern in contemporary
times. The confluence of high job demands, and limited job resources has contributed to heightened levels of burnout among
this population. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, the present study conducts a systematic review to examine the
effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in reducing burnout levels among academicians in RUs in Malaysia.
Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature, a limited number of studies meeting the inclusion criteria were identified and
reviewed. The findings of the study demonstrate that ACT holds promise as an effective intervention for decreasing burnout levels among academicians, while simultaneously enhancing psychological flexibility. The implications of this study extend to both scholars and experts invested in mitigating the pervasiveness of burnout among academicians in Malaysian RUs, offering valuable insights for the development of targeted interventions and strategies.


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