
  • Rasheed Mohammad Nassr Malaysian Institute of Information Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), Malaysia
  • Alia Ahmed Aldossary Community College Dammam, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,Saudi Arabia
  • Haidawati Mohamad Nasir Malaysian Institute of Information Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), Malaysia



Emotion-Aware VLE, Technology Readiness Index (TRI), Attitude, Intention to Use, Lecturer Interaction, online learning, Smart PLS, Higher Education.


Purpose: This study explored students’ perspective of using emotion-aware Vertual Learning Environment (VLE) in Malaysia’s higher education institutions. The purpose is to investigate the relationships among dimensions of Technology Readiness Index (TRI), attitude, intention to use VLE, and lecturer interaction. The outcomes concerned the emotions involved in the educational process of Malaysia’s higher education institutions.

Methodology: Quantitative data were collected via an online survey from 260 students. An empirical analysis was then conducted using structural equation modelling (Smart PLS) in two phases: (1) examining the direct effect of students’ attitude on VLE adoption intention and (2) examining the indirect effect of constructs using lecturer interaction as a mediator.

Findings: The findings revealed a significant mediating role of lecturer interaction on the relationship between attitude and intention to use VLE across the student cohort. Inhibitors, such as insecurity and discomfort, were less significant in affecting students’ attitude towards emotion-aware VLE. The results indicate that students are motivated to use VLE when lecturers understand their emotions and react accordingly.

Significance: This is one of the studies pertaining to emotions in VLE and lecturer interaction in higher education institutions. The results facilitate an understanding of the pedagogical role of lecturer interaction as a practical learning motivation. It is of particular interest to curriculum and e-learning stakeholders looking to improve students’ interactions with the VLE systems. Apart from extending the current literature, this study has significant practical implications for education management in higher learning institutions.


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How to Cite

Nassr, R. M., Aldossary, A. A., & Nasir, H. M. (2021). STUDENTS’S INTENTION TO USE EMOTION-AWARE VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: DOES A LECTURER’S INTERACTION MAKE A DIFFERENCE?. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1), 183–218.