Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial 2023-09-07T15:39:17+08:00 Nor A'tikah Mat Ali Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial (JPS) is a refereed journal published annually (July) by UUM Press for the School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, UUM College of Arts and Sciences. The main objective of the journal is to provide a channel for the publication of articles based on empirical research, original thoughts and comparative studies in all aspects of social and human development studies and related fields. JPS is an open access journal. The electronic full text version of the journal is available free of charge at</p> FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO USE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY FOR E-LEARNING AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS 2023-07-18T07:21:00+08:00 Juliana Rosmidah Jaafar Nalinah Poongavanam Su Yee Lee Jaya Chitra Ramalu <p>The utilisation of gadgets and computer technology has become a significant aspect of e-learning. This condition requires students to use various online platforms for learning purposes. The current study aims to explore the potential factor in explaining the intention to use computer technology during e-learning among private university students. Online questionnaires were distributed to 174 university students from various programmes in a university in Selangor. The items in the questionnaire covered three independent variables: perceived ease of use of technology, perceived usefulness of technology, and computer self-efficacy. The dependent variable is the intention to use computer technology in e-learning. Pearson Correlation was used to assess the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Furthermore, Hierarchal Multiple Regression analysis was used to determine the predictor of the intention to use computer technology. The result showed that the intention to use computer technology for e-learning was significantly related to technology’s perceived ease of use, usefulness, and computer self-efficacy. However, when computer self-efficacy is controlled, students’ intention to use computer technology is driven by their perceived notion that technology is easy to use and usefulness of the technology. The study concludes that when students perceive technology as easy to use and sense its practicality, they will have a stronger intention of using technology for learning. This research implies that a systematic strategy should be practised by integrating computer technology into teaching and learning in the current situation. Future studies could further explore the potential of differences across students’ backgrounds towards e-learning. </p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial HOW DOES ACCEPTANCE AND COMMITMENT THERAPY REDUCE BURNOUT AMONG ACADEMICIANS FROM MALAYSIAN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 2023-01-27T08:52:28+08:00 Kok Ban Teoh Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob <p>The prevalence of burnout among academicians in Malaysian Research Universities (RUs) is a growing concern in contemporary<br />times. The confluence of high job demands, and limited job resources has contributed to heightened levels of burnout among<br />this population. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, the present study conducts a systematic review to examine the<br />effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in reducing burnout levels among academicians in RUs in Malaysia.<br />Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature, a limited number of studies meeting the inclusion criteria were identified and<br />reviewed. The findings of the study demonstrate that ACT holds promise as an effective intervention for decreasing burnout levels among academicians, while simultaneously enhancing psychological flexibility. The implications of this study extend to both scholars and experts invested in mitigating the pervasiveness of burnout among academicians in Malaysian RUs, offering valuable insights for the development of targeted interventions and strategies.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAMILY COMMUNICATION PATTERN AND YOUTH SELFCONCEPT IN RURAL MALAYSIA 2023-06-12T09:31:00+08:00 Mohd Azrin Mohd Nasir Ansarul Haq Tahrir Adli <p>This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family communication patterns and self-concept among youth in rural areas.<br />The sample consisted of 315 participants (150 boys and 165 girls), selected using a simple random sampling technique. The Revised<br />Family Communication Pattern (RFCP) Survey, which has two dimensions - conversational orientation and conformity orientation,<br />was used to measure the relationship between the variables. The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, which has six dimensions - social,<br />moral, family, ethical, physical, and personal - was also used. Demographic factors such as gender, race, education, and religious<br />affiliation were measured. The results showed significant relationships between family communication patterns for conversational orientation and physical, ethical, personal, family, and social self-concept, with the exception of moral self-concept, which showed medium levels. Additionally, there were significant relationships between conformity orientation and moral and ethical self-concept, and weak relationships with physical, family, and social self-concept. These findings reaffirm the importance of family communication patterns in shaping the selfconcept of youth in rural areas.</p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial PENDERAAN EKONOMI MANGSA KEGANASAN RUMAH TANGGA: PERSPEKTIF PENGAMAL 2023-01-27T08:50:58+08:00 Abdul Razak Abd Manaf Siti Zubaidah Othman Zarina Mat Saad Annuar Aswan Mohd Noor Faridah Awang <p>Keganasan rumah tangga merupakan satu fenomena global dalam masyarakat sejak sekian lama yang begitu kompleks dan perlu<br />ditangani dengan sebaiknya. Artikel ini cuba membincangkan salah satu hasil dapatan daripada keseluruhan kajian yang dilaksanakan<br />bagi meneliti isu penderaan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan kewangan mangsa keganasan rumah tangga. Ia cuba meneroka isu ekonomi<br />yang dihadapi oleh wanita yang menjadi mangsa keganasan rumah tangga daripada perspektif pengamal yang mengendalikan keskes sebegini. Data kajian kualitatif ini diperoleh semasa temubual dan perbincangan kumpulan berfokus (FGD) dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Seramai lima belas orang kakitangan atau pengamal di Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat telah diminta untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka berkenaan isu pengendalian kes mangsa keganasan rumah tangga serta konflik kewangan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi wanita yang menjadi mangsa penderaan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa isu-isu penderaan ekonomi dan kewangan tertumpu kepada isu pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan serta kebergantungan si pelaku dan mangsa, isu gaya hidup negatif pelaku dan kawalan pelaku kepada sumber kewangan yang dijana oleh mangsa. </p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Domestic violence has been a global phenomenon in society for ages. </em><em>It is so complex and needs to be dealt with accordingly. This paper tries</em><br /><em>to discuss one of the findings from the overall, bigger study that was </em><em>carried out to examine the issue of economic abuse and the financial</em><br /><em>well-being of victims of domestic violence. It attempts to explore the </em><em>issues faced by victims of domestic violence from the perspective of</em><br /><em>practitioners who handle such cases. The data of this qualitative study </em><em>was obtained during interviews and focus group discussions (FGD)</em><br /><em>conducted using thematic analysis. A total of fifteen staff members </em><em>or practitioners in the Department of Social Welfare were asked to</em><br /><em>share their experiences in handling cases of domestic violence victims </em><em>as well as financial conflicts and the economic well-being of abuse</em><br /><em>victims. The results of the study found that the issues of economic and </em><em>financial abuse are focused on the issue of employment and source of</em><br /><em>income as well as the dependency of the perpetrator and the victim, </em><em>the issue of the perpetrator’s negative lifestyle and the perpetrator’s</em><br /><em>control over the financial resources generated by the victim. </em></p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial CABARAN DAN PERMASALAHAN MENGURUSKAN PERNIAGAAN KETIKA COVID 19: KES PENGUSAHA MADU KELULUT DI SIK KEDAH 2023-06-12T09:48:20+08:00 Syahrina Abdullah Ahmad Mat Hassan Mohamad Khadafi Hj Rofie <p>Usahawan sering berhadapan dengan cabaran dan rintangan dalam menguruskan perniagaan. Maka, usahawan harus merancang,<br />mengurus, mengelola dan melaksanakan strategi perniagaan dengan efisyen, cekap dan berkesan. Ketika pandemik Covid-19 melanda dunia, Malaysia juga turut terkesan dengan wabak ini sehingga berlakunya krisis ekonomi yang mencabar. Bagi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) pula, keadaan pandemik ini sudah pasti memberi cabaran utama terhadap aliran pendapatan perniagaan kerana operasi perniagaan terpaksa dihentikan sepanjang tempoh Peraturan Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan dalam membendung wabak ini. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan cabaran dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh usahawan ketika tempoh PKP yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan. Kaedah pengumpulan data secara kualitatif telah dilakukan melalui temubual secara atas talian dan bersemuka terhadap sepuluh (10) usahawan kecil yang menjalankan perniagaan madu kelulut di Daerah Sik, Kedah. Seterusnya, penyelidik juga telah memperolehi maklumat berkaitan usahawan tentang cabaran yang dihadapi melalui temubual bersemuka. Hasil dapatan mendapati usahawan kecil menyatakan tempoh pandemik Covid-19 memberi impak negatif terhadap jualan dan aliran pendapatan usahawan PKS. Terdapat lima permasalahan dan cabaran utama yang dihadapi usahawan kecil ketika pandemik Covid-19. Cabaran dan permasalahan tersebut dikategorikan kepada lima klasifikasi utama iaitu masalah pemasaran, masalah pengurusan, masalah pengeluaran, masalah produk dan masalah kewangan. Justeru, usahawan PKS haruslah bijak menangani dan menguruskan perniagaan ketika wabak pandemik daripada segala aspek perniagaan demi kelestarian perniagaan usahawan kecil di Malaysia. </p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial HUBUNGAN KESIHATAN MENTAL DENGAN MOTIVASI DALAM KALANGAN PALAPES UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 2023-07-04T10:29:46+08:00 Karmiela Najwa <p>Kajian ini memberikan tumpuan kepada isu kesihatan mental dan tahap motivasi dalam kalangan anggota Palapes (Pasukan Latihan<br />Pegawai Simpanan) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Terdapat tiga elemen utama bagi kesihatan mental iaitu kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan yang telah dikenalpasti hubungannya dengan motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ektrinsik. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kesihatan mental dan motivasi di kalangan anggota Palapes UUM. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menguji perbezaan tahap kesihatan mental dan motivasi berdasarkan jantina. Objektif terakhir adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan antara kesihatan mental dan motivasi dalam kalangan anggota Palapes UUM. Kajian ini berbentuk kuantitatif dengan melibatkan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Skala Kemurungan, Kebimbangan, dan Tekanan (Depression, Anxiety dan Stress Scale -DASS-21) digunakan untuk mengukur tahap kesihatan mental di kalangan anggota Palapes UUM manakala Students Work Preference Inventory (SWPI) digunakan untuk mengukur tahap motivasi pelajar. Seramai 152 responden dipilih secara persampelan bertujuan daripada tiga pasukan Palapes di UUM iaitu Darat, Laut dan Udara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 29. Analisis yang dilakukan termasuk analisis frekuensi, peratusan, ujian-T sampel bebas dan Korelasi Pearson. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan dalam kalangan pelajar Palapes UUM berada pada tahap normal. Tahap motivasi intrinsik adalah tinggi manakala motivasi ektrinsik adalah sederhana. Selain itu, hasil kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan tahap kesihatan mental dan motivasi antara lelaki dan perempuan. Kajian ini juga<br />memberikan bukti adanya hubungan positif antara kesihatan mental dan motivasi pelajar. Kesimpulannya, hasil kajian ini dapat digunakan sebagai rujukan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap kesihatan mental dan motivasi dalam kalangan pelajar Palapes UUM. </p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT<br /></em></strong><br /><em>This study focuses on the issues of mental health and motivation among members of Palapes (Reserve Officer Training Team) at</em><br /><em>Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). This study focuses on three elements of mental health namely depression, anxiety and stress and</em><br /><em>their relationship with intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The objective of this study is to identify the level of mental health</em><br /><em>and motivation among Palapes UUM members. In addition, this study also tested differences in the level of mental health and</em><br /><em>motivation based on gender. The final objective is to examine the relationship between mental health and motivation among Palapes</em><br /><em>UUM members. This study uses quantitative methods and uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. Depression, Anxiety and</em><br /><em>Stress Scale (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale -DASS-21) is used to measure the level of mental health among Palapes UUM members while the Students Work Preference Inventory (SWPI) is used to measure the level of student motivation. A total of 152 respondents were purposefully selected from the three Palapes services at UUM, namely Land, Sea and Air. The data obtained was analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 29. The analysis performed included frequency analysis, percentage, independent sample T-test and Pearson Correlation. The findings of the study show that the level of depression, anxiety and stress among Palapes UUM students is at a normal level. The level of intrinsic motivation is high while extrinsic motivation is moderate. In addition, the results of the study also show that there is a difference in the level of mental health and motivation between men and women. This study also provides evidence of a positive relationship between mental health and student motivation. In conclusion, the results of this study can be used as a reference by parties involved in raising awareness of mental health and motivation among Palapes UUM students. </em></p> 2023-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial