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Teoh Chun Hwung
Yuhanis Yusof


In the ever-evolving landscape of network security, the role of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) is critical. These systems serve as the guardians of digital networks, defending against a relentless tide of cyber threats. However, the efficacy of IDSs in accurately detecting and preventing these threats remains a critical concern. The emergence of new attack vectors and the growing sophistication of cyberattacks underscore the need for innovative approaches to intrusion detection. Nonetheless, there is an information vacuum about the efficacy of different data mining approaches in intrusion detection. This study investigates the deployment of seven data mining models, which include Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, and two types of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) on five (5) IDS benchmark datasets. Based on the undertaken experiments, it is evident that the RNN is the best classifier as it obtained 100% accuracy for all datasets. Due to its strength in modelling time-dependent and sequential data problems, RNN has become powerful in predicting future attacks. As our digital world evolves, so must our cyber defences; hence, this study strives to equip network security professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to fortify their networks, ensuring resilience against the ever-adaptive landscape of cyber threats.

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How to Cite
Teoh Chun Hwung, & Yusof, Y. (2024). ENHANCED NETWORK SECURITY: A DATA MINING APPROACH TO INTRUSION DETECTION. Journal of Digital System Development, 2(1), 140–153. https://doi.org/10.32890/jdsd2024.2.1.9
Author Biography

Yuhanis Yusof, Universiti Utara Malaysia

UUM College of Arts and Sciences