
  • Muhammad Amrullah Drs Nasrul International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Wan Noraini Mohd Salim International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhamad Helmi Md Said Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Siti Nuramani Abdul Manap International Islamic University Malaysia


Muhammad Amrullah Drs Nasrul, Wan Noraini Mohd Salim , Muhamad Helmi Md Said , Siti Nuramani Abdul Manap

Abstract: The administration of estate formally commences upon the application by the beneficiaries to the related administrative bodies. The application marks the beginning step in the administration of estate since the application is an essential process in obtaining the letters of representation. With the existence of multiple administrative bodies in Malaysia, one needs to ensure that the application is made to the right administrative body. Furthermore, the administration of estate needs to be promptly settled to avoid any unwanted consequences, hence justifying the need for the early application  by the beneficiaries. However, some beneficiaries deliberately stall the application, which is detrimental to the administration of estate. Confusion in identifying the right administrative body as well as the wrong perception of the beneficiaries of the administrative bodies have been identified as the causes behind the  late  application. This paper addressed the jurisdiction of the administrative bodies in the administration of the deceased’s estate in Malaysia through the comparative approach in classifying the different roles and authorities of each administrative body. The writing involved the research method by way of a library-based  study  whereby  the data were collected from multiple sources including conference papers, textbooks, statutes, case laws, journals and other materials. The finding points out several suggestions including the need for collaboration between the society and the government in relaying the information regarding the actual impression of the administrative bodies in the administration of estate.   Keywords: Administration of estate, Administrative bodies, Letters of representation, Beneficiaries.   Abstrak: Pentadbiran harta pusaka bermula dengan permohonan oleh benefisiari terhadap badan-badan pentadbiran. Tindakan ini dianggap sebagai langkah permulaan dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka kerana ia merupakan proses utama dalam mendapatkan surat perwakilan. Dengan wujudnya beberapa badan pentadbiran di Malaysia, adalah perlu untuk memastikan bahawa permohonan itu dibuat terhadap badan pentadbiran yang betul. Selain itu, pentadbiran harta  pusaka  perlu  diselesaikan  dengan  segera bagi  mengelakkan  sebarang  akibat  yang  tidak  diingini,  dan  ini menunjukkan bahawa perlunya sesuatu permohonan awal dilakukan oleh benefisiari. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat sesetengah benefisiari yang sengaja  melewatkan  permohonan  dan ini telah memberi kesan negatif terhadap pentadbiran harta pusaka. Kekeliruan dalam mengenal pasti badan pentadbiran yang betul serta persepsi negatif oleh benefisiari terhadap badan-badan pentadbiran merupakan antara punca di sebalik kelewatan dalam membuat permohonan terhadap pentadbiran harta pusaka. Artikel ini menjelaskan bidang kuasa badan-badan pentadbiran dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka di Malaysia melalui bentuk perbandingan dengan mengklasifikasikan peranan setiap badan pentadbiran. Penulisan ini melibatkan kaedah penyelidikan melalui kajian berasaskan perpustakaan di mana data dikumpulkan daripada pelbagai sumber termasuk kertas persidangan, buku teks, statut, kes undang-undang, jurnal serta bahan-bahan lain. Hasil penemuan daripada artikel ini antaranya menyentuh berkenaan cadangan perlunya kerjasama antara masyarakat yang kerajaan dalam menyampaikan maklumat tentang peranan sebenar badan-badan pentadbiran dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka.
Kata kunci: Pentadbiran harta pusaka, Badan pentadbiran, Surat perwakilan, Benefisiari.


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How to Cite

Drs Nasrul, M. A., Mohd Salim, W. N., Md Said, M. H., & Abdul Manap, S. N. (2017). ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES IN MALAYSIA: JURISDICTION AND MISCONCEPTION. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 8, 183–196. Retrieved from